For anyone interested in a nursing career but unsure of where to begin, becoming a CNA can be a powerful first step for exposure and patient-facing time. Even the sites of work for CNAs are widely varied, as they may operate out of hospitals, clinics, or even home settings. CNA is one of the most rewarding and valuable positions in the healthcare industry.
- 1 Section
- 21 Lessons
- 120 Days
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- Videos21
- 2.11. Hand Hygiene
- 2.22. Apply One Knee-High Elastic Stocking
- 2.33. Assist to Ambulate Using Transfer Belt
- 2.44. Assist with Bedpan
- 2.55. Cleaning Dentures
- 2.66. Count & Record Radial Pulse
- 2.77. Count & Record Respirations
- 2.88. Donning & Removing PPE
- 2.99. Dress Client with Weak Right Arm
- 2.1010. Feed Client Who Cannot Feed Self
- 2.1111. Modified Bed Bath
- 2.1212. Measure & Record Urinary Output
- 2.1313. Measure & Record Client Weight
- 2.1414. Modified PROM for One Knee and One Ankle
- 2.1515. Modified PROMM for One Shoulder
- 2.1616. Position Client on Side
- 2.1717. Provide Catheter Care for Female
- 2.1818. Provide Foot Care on One Foot
- 2.1919. Provide Perineal Care for Female
- 2.2020. Transfer from Bed to Wheelchair
- 2.2121. Measure & Record Manual Blood Pressure